Healthy school lunches are more than just a midday meal; they provide essential nutrition for pupils' development and...
School meals: A recipe for social eating and emotional well-being
Healthy meals shared at school offer more than nutrition; they create positive food experiences and encourage social...
Digital transformation in school catering
The food and catering industry is no stranger to innovation. Digital transformation can help improve operational...
Ensuring food safety and hygiene standards are met when catering for schools
Be it a sandwich at a deli or a meal at a school cafeteria, we place an unspoken trust in the product, producer and...
Celebrating cultural diversity
Embracing multicultural cuisines not only celebrates diversity but also fosters unity among students. After all,...
The future of school catering
Nutritious food is vital to our wellbeing, especially in the early years, for children to grow and develop physically...
The role of school catering companies in promoting sustainability in school food systems
School food systems can impact sustainability while shaping children's attitudes towards food and nutrition. Climate...
Strategies for managing food allergies and dietary restrictions in schools
Over the last decade, food allergies have been on the rise in the West. England saw a 72% rise in the number of...
Trends and predictions for the future of school catering services
The past few years saw a wider expansion of high-quality contract catering in the educational sector in the UK. It is...
The impact of school meal programmes on academic performance and student behaviour
Findings by a School Trust Fund study found eating healthy school lunches improved pupils’ concentration. Evidence...
Fostering healthy eating habits in students through school catering
There is mounting evidence that children in the UK have suboptimal nutritional intakes at school, with many failing to...
The importance of nutrition in school meals
In 2005, watching Jamie Oliver's School Dinners, Britain had an eye-opener. School children in the UK were in...